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We collect the following environmental sites, articles and Misc. resources sites on internet. We will keep the link list updated as we find, or receive information from other related sites. Please feel free to advice us for any others that would be appropriate to add to this page. We also like to exchange links with other sites. Meanwhile please e-mail to us, if you have any suggestion. This web site will grow up with you.
Web Site-Links
Environmental Index
* Partner-Link
provides a
full range of filtration, treatment and disinfection products and
services from personal, portable consumer products to large scale
* Web
Environmental Index
1.Ecosearch------ This web site provide over 200 environmental sites. Wildlife, Ecosystems, Ecology, Natural Resources, Natural Disasters, Research & Development , Education, Environmental Law.
2.Environmental Professional's
Homepage------ There are hundreds of
environmental links on the Web. The index
include: Government Agencies , Regulations References, Health
and Safety Issues, Professional Associations Conferences
3.WWW Virtual Library- Environment------ is a searchable index of over 1,000 carefully screened links arranged alphabetically and by category.
4.Ervin's Water and Wastewater Information and Links------ This page provides a list of links to various water (as in water treatment, distribution, etc) and wastewater sites. Included: WATER RELATED LINKS, SEWER RELATED LINK COMPOSTING TOILETS & ALTERNATIVES.
a various site that provides widely link and search engine. The
categories divide Environment, Hobbies, Home&Office,
Sport & Recreation and Travel.
Water Research Institute (Canada)------
page provide
information on environmental issues and
events through Canada websites.
(Canada)------ provides
Technological fact sheets, Environmental research expertise,
If you are looking for any
wastewater-related information on
the net,
you should find it here at this
site. This site provide a lot of free
function as plant Listings, Supplier Listings, HyperLink and
The current edition of Green
Pages is structured into 10
main chapters with a
total of 72 sub-classifications. Select any chapter to display the
relevant categories. Subsequent clicks will display an
alphabetical list with organizations engaged in the respective field.
a compilation of useful Internet resources to Environmental Science and
Technology. This site maintains information on organizations, business,
publications, online databases and software, research and education.
11.Agriwatch.com----- Agriwatch.com is
the largest Agribusiness Portal in India. Customers can access
to agribusiness related information covering more than 15
subsectors within the Agricultural and Food Industry, such as Rice,
Wheat, Maize, Oil Complex, Pulses, Spices, Sugar, Cotton, Fruits
& Vegetables, Herbs & Medicinal Plants, Dairy, Poultry
1. Danish EPA------ This site offer Magazine, Rules, Regulations, Link and search etc.about Danish.
2. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency------ a central state agency working for an ecologically sustainable society
3. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
4. Ministry of the Environment of Norway
5. Ministry of the Environment of Norway------ Consist of Organization, Objective...of Norway
6. Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT)
7.The Finnish Ministry of the Environment------ This site contains some research, international cooperation and land use policy.
8. Federal Environment Agency in Austria
9. Public Waste Agency of Flanders in Belgium
11. Environment Agency of England and ales------ News, information, research and data about the environment of England and ales.
12. Scottish Environment Protection Agency
13.Department of Environment for Northern Ireland
14.Czech Ministry of Environment
15.Ministry of the Environment in Israel
16.Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithania
17.Ministerio de Medio Ambiente of Spain
18. Institute of Environmental Protection of Polish
19. The Ministry of the Environment of Polish
20. National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment of Italy
21. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany
22. Direccao Geral do Ambiente ( Portugal)
23. Ministry of Environment of Luxembourg
1. Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Renovables ( Venezuela)
2. Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naaturales y Pesca ( Mexico)
3. Procuraduria Federal de Proteccion al Ambiente (Mexico)
1.Ministry of the Environment of Singapore------ This site offer info & service center and Green circle for interact.
2.Environmental Protection Department
of Hong Kong------ This pages provide
information about HK EPA and what they have done to protect
3. Pollution Control Department of Thailand
4. Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Thailand
5. The Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea
6. Department of Environment and Natural Resources of Philippines
7. Environment Agency of Japan
Environmental Protection
Administration Government of the Republic of China
( Taiwan)
1.Ministry for the environment in New Zealand
2.Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism in South Africa
1.Save RainForest.net--- About rainforest information......
The RainForest Site--- You know....."The world's
rainforests represent 3.4 million square miles of tropical forest....."
3.GreaterGood.com--- works with over 3,000 not-for-profit organizations creating the opportunity for internet users to make a free contribution to benefit children, the environment, animals, and more.
4. The
Nature Conservancy--- is the world's
leading private, international conservation group. They preserve
habitats and species by saving the lands and waters they need to
5. EcologyFund.com--- EcologyFund is owned
and operated by CharityMall.com as a way to get new funds for critical
habitat and wilderness preservation using the power of the internet.
6. FreeDonation.com--- is a web site with the mission of making the world a better place.you can make donations free of charge to important causes such as AIDS and cancer research, food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, vaccines for children and more.
7. The Largest site for people
who care about the environment---In this section
you can find out general Company Info,
Room, Career
1.Monitor-Pro Limited--- is the UK's leading
environmental data management solution provider. mapping
module , Air quality data management, Landfill data
2.Geologic Resources--- offer products
include contouring and graphing software , Pocket Transits (and other
products) and groundwater measuring instrumentation......
3.Wisconsin Department of Nature Resources--- The Great Lakes Protection Fund awarded a grant for the Ashland Biological Phosphorus Removal Study to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR).
4.Enviromega Inc.--- Offer software include which predicts the fate of toxic contaminants and metal in wastewater collection and treatment systems, and a water treatment plant simulator, tracks CT and predicts disinfection and disinfection by-product formation in water treatment....
5.Enviro Sim--- dynamic simulator for municipal wastewater treatment systems and for systems treating petroleum refinery and petrochemical plant wastewaters.
6.GAEA Technologies--- providing superior software for Geoscience and Engineering Applications.
7.Hemmis--- offers the modeling and simulation of different processes such as wastewater treatment plants, rivers, sewers.
8. Wrc--- Planning tool for rapid evaluation of wastewater treatment plant design and configuration options.
which is an environmental treatment consultant.
The service items are Waste Management, Site
Planning, Sanitary Engineering, Design of
Drinking Water Networks..
2. AntiFlood --- design and manufacture a system to protect your entire property and even the surrounding land in the event of a flood.
3. Import Export Coach---
Import Export Coach will show you how to start an import export
business or strategically enter new global markets with your existing
small business ...
International Business Plans...
......Last update 01/03/2002
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